According to the Canadian Firefighter, there are around 200 electrical fires a year in British Columbia alone, causing about $69,000 worth of damage to property per incident. Faulty wiring, malfunctioning appliances, and even plain old wear and tear are some of the causes behind electrical fires. Apart from electrical fires, electric shocks also pose a threat, causing injuries and in some cases fatalities too. Thankfully, most electrical incidents are preventable provided electrical safety tips are followed religiously. Read on to learn about a few simple rules that will help protect your home and your family from electrical hazards.
Don’t Overload Your Circuits
Extension boards and multi-outlet converters are meant to give you more outlets at a single point. However, they do not increase they amount of power that an outlet receives. So, be careful about the number of devices you plug into your extension boards. Remember that extension boards are not a permanent solution. If you find yourself using an extension board frequently, it is a good idea to have more outlets at that location in your house installed by a qualified electrician instead.
Always plug high-wattage appliances into different outlets to prevent overloading and overheating. For example, don’t use the same outlet for your microwave and washing machine unless it is a split outlet on two different circuit breakers.
Read Appliance Safety Instructions
Purchase appliances that have a Canadian Standards Association (CSA) seal (or another accreditation associated with the Standards Council of Canada. Always check the safety instructions from your appliance manufacturer. Make sure they are installed in an outlet that can support the power they need. Turn off any appliance that gives you the slightest shock and have it checked out by an electrician immediately.
Get into the habit of turning off and unplugging all appliances the minute they are not in use – even your T.V.! This can also help you save on your utility bills by reducing phantom drain. Another option is to install smart plugs which let you set power schedules for each outlet. Use the plug to disconnect an appliance from an outlet and never tug on the cord to do so.
Install Smoke Alarms
Electrical fires aren’t always easy to detect. Frayed, exposed wires deep in your house can start smouldering before breaking out into flames. Smoke alarms can alert you to these issues, long before they can be manually detected. Install smoke alarms and have them tested on a regular basis.
Cord Safety Rules
Power cords aren’t the most robust things on the planet – not matter how well insulated they are. Store unused power cords safely without winding them up tightly as this can damage their covering. Make sure that they do not come into contact with hot or wet surfaces.
Do not stretch power cords or run them under furniture and rugs. The added weight or sharp furniture edges can expose wiring creating a shock or fire hazard.
Check Visible Cords and Plugs Regularly
One of the easiest things to do is to check your extension cords and plugs daily for signs of wear and tear. Don’t use them if you notice any damage. You don’t need to go all over your house checking each cord – simply give things a once over just before you use them.
Remember Water and Electricity Don’t Mix
Keep electrical equipment dry and away from water to prevent electrocution. This includes making sure your hands are dry along with any surfaces that your appliances are going to come in contact with.
Ventilation is Key
Make sure that your appliances are installed in spaces that allow for air flow around them to prevent overheating. Appliances like driers should have at least 12 inches of space between them and walls to allow air to flow freely.
Protect Kids and Pets
Install all new outlets out of reach of children. Educate kids about electrical safety as early as you can and reinforce their learnings regularly. Use tamper-resistant sockets and electrical covers on outlets to keep your children and pets safe from electrocution.
Always Use the Services of Professional Electricians
Do not attempt to apply DIY fixes to electrical issues. The experts at Complete Power Systems have all the skills you need to implement effective solutions that meet or exceed local code requirements to give your family the safety you need. Contact us today for dependable electrical solutions for residential and commercial buildings in the lower mainland, from Langley to Vancouver.