According to the Canadian Firefighter, there are around 200 electrical fires a year in British Columbia alone, causing about $69,000 worth of damage to property per incident. Faulty wiring, malfunctioning appliances, and even plain old wear and tear are some of the causes behind electrical fires. Apart from electrical fires, electric shocks also … [Read more...]
When Should I Get an Electrical Safety Inspection?
Canada was the fourth-largest consumer of electricity per person in 2020. This is understandable since electricity is one of the main contributors to the comfort and functionality of our homes. We rely on electricity to warm our spaces during winter, cool them during summer, cook food, heat water and even power cars. Yet, like any … [Read more...]
Why Is My Circuit Breaker Hot? And What Are the Risks?
Why Is My Circuit Breaker Hot? And What Are the Risks? You are going on with your day when you pass by your circuit breaker and detect a faint smell of burning. You place the back of your hand not on the circuit breaker but near it and feel an unusual warmth. But before you start panicking and calling the fire department, here is a guide … [Read more...]
Spring & Summer Energy Saving Tips
Spring & Summer Energy Saving Tips Each year, spring and summer are wonderful seasons that grace us with their presence full of long days and short nights. These are the seasons where the world is our oyster. They also open opportunities to visit the beach. Spring and summer also let us enjoy eye-pleasing delicious picnics, juicy … [Read more...]